Peak 20B - Glen's View - Lovely views from the top of William Heise County Park
Glen’s View
Elevation: 4,920’
Mileage: 2.14
Trailhead: Desert View Trailhead
Agency: William Heise County Park
Dates Hiked: 10/24/2020, 12/27/2021 Page
For those interested, here is a list of my gear that I have found works well for me. This is, of course, an affiliate link and your enjoyment of these may vary:
2022 Update: Glen’s View replaces Middle Peak, which has always been a brutal bushwhack with no real views.
Camping at William Heise County Park
We first hiked to Glen’s View on a family camping trip to William Heise County Park in 2020. I had been there three other times in the past, staying in their cabins. The first time I visited the park was in 2016, where I had a nice evening on my own, as a friend was ill and I explored the surrounding area.
I also had a nice time with my daughter one year, staying in the cabins and visiting the nearby California Wolf Center.
This time, there was rain in the forecast as we headed up to the mountains, but it wasn’t expected to happen until late in the evening. We arrived in the afternoon and got our campsite and quickly set up our tent. There was a slight chill of autumn in the air; it was perfect hiking weather.
Getting started along the Desert View Trail up to Glen's View
We headed up the Desert View Trail, taking the trail to the right, and warming up as we climbed through the manzanita and sage. The trail climbed up and across several gullies until it made a sharp turn to the left and headed up toward a ridge line.
The trail rises through the manzanita
It crossed a section of exposed rock before it climbed up to the junction of the Desert View Trail. This is where there is a sign to Glen’s View, leading away from a nearby home.
Desert View Trail sign turnoff to Glen's View
At the top of the trail, we could see views to the east to Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, as well as views to the west. It was very windy at the top, but we got shelter by sitting on the leeward side of the monument.
The view from Glen's View
We enjoyed our time at the top and, instead of descending the way we camp, we continued along the Desert View Trail, making a loop out of the hike.
The view to the Cedar Creek drainage (Click to enlarge)
A different time at the top, in late 2021, there was rime ice on all the plants. Once again the wind was blowing. We spent some time trying to light a fire in one of the campgrounds, but the wood was all wet from a recent storm, and another storm was imminent as we all bundled up from the cold.
The photos in this post are from these two trips, long before I considered adding this hike to my 100 Peaks of San Diego list.
Glen’s View is a short hike, but a worthy little adventure while camping at Heise County Park.
Panoramic View from Glen's View (Click to enlarge)
Glen's View Trail Map (Click to enlarge)