North Fortuna Mountain
Elevation: 1,094’
Mileage: 5.5 Miles (with North Fortuna Mountain)
Agency: Mission Trails Regional Park
Date Hiked: 09/15/2009
Trailhead page
For those interested, here is a list of my gear that I have found works well for me. This is, of course, an affiliate link and your enjoyment of these may vary:
Within 20 minutes of summiting North Fortuna Mountain, I was at my second summit of the day. The views from both summits were great, but the freeway noise was a little off-putting.
I enjoyed a few minutes on top and headed back down. On the way, I spied a roadrunner hopping at flies in the brush. This is my third hike that I spied a roadrunner and I never tire of watching them scurry away. I made it back to the trail head, happy to have knocked down two peaks in a day.
Roadrunner on South Fortuna Mountain